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Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 5

Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 5 On a multiple range instrument [3], the client should identify which range(s) shall be calibrated. The preceding paragraph applies to each range separately.

Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 3

Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 3

                Place of calibration

Alignment is regularly performed on the site where the instrument is being utilized.

Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 5 On the off chance that an instrument is moved to another area after the alignment, conceivable impacts from

distinction in neighborhood gravity increasing speed,

variety in ecological conditions,

mechanical and warm conditions amid

are probably going to adjust the execution of the instrument and may refute the alignment. Moving the instrument after alignment ought to along these lines be stayed away from, except if resistance to these impacts of a specific instrument, or kind of instrument has been unmistakably illustrated. Where this has not been illustrated, the alignment testament ought not be acknowledged as proof of traceability.

Preconditions, arrangements

Adjustment ought not be performed except if

the instrument can be promptly recognized,

all elements of the instrument are free from impacts of pollution or harm, and capacities basic for the adjustment work as expected,

introduction of weight esteems is unambiguous and signs, where given, are effectively intelligible,

the typical states of utilization (air flows, vibrations, steadiness of the gauging site and so forth.) are reasonable for the instrument to be aligned,

the instrument is empowered preceding adjustment for a fitting period,

e.g. for whatever length of time that the warm-up time indicated for the instrument, or as set by the client,

the instrument is leveled, if relevant,

the instrument has been practiced by stacking roughly up to the biggest test stack in any event once, continued stacking is

Instruments that are proposed to be consistently balanced before utilize ought to be balanced before the adjustment, except if generally concurred with the customer. Change ought to be performed with the implies that are regularly connected by the customer, and adhering to the producer’s guidelines where accessible.

To the extent applicable for the consequences of the alignment, the status of programming settings which can be adjusted by the customer ought to be noted.

Instruments fitted with a programmed zero-setting gadget or a zero-GPS beacon [3] ought to be adjusted with the gadget agent or not, as set by the customer.

Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 5 For on location alignment the client of the instrument ought to be requested to guarantee that the ordinary states of utilization win amid the adjustment. Thusly aggravating impacts, for example, air flows, vibrations, or tendency of the estimating stage will, so far as is conceivable, be intrinsic to the deliberate qualities and will hence be incorporated into the decided vulnerability of estimation.

Calibration lab in Bangladesh

Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 4

Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 4. The procedure may further include rules how to derive from the results advice to the user of the instrument with regard to the errors, and assigned uncertainty of measurement, of indications which may occur under normal conditions of use of the instrument, and/or rules on how to convert an indication obtained for a weighed object into the value of mass or conventional value of mass of that object.


Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 4 The information presented in this guideline is intended to serve, and should be observed by,


  1. bodies accrediting laboratories for the calibration of weighing instruments,
  2. laboratories accredited for the calibration of non-automatic weighing instruments,
  3. testhouses, laboratories, or manufacturers using calibrated non-automatic weighing instruments for measurements relevant for the quality of production subject to QM requirements (e.g. ISO 9000 series, ISO 10012, ISO/IEC 17025).


A summary of the main terms and equations used in this document is given in Appendix D2.


1            Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 4  TERMINOLOGY AND SYMBOLS

The terminology used in this document is mainly based on existing documents:


  • GUM [1] for terms related to the determination of results and the uncertainty of measurement,
  • OIML R111 [4] for terms related to the standard weights,
  • OIML R76 [2] (or EN 45501 [3]) for terms related to the functioning, to the construction, and to the metrological characterisation of non-automatic weighing
  • VIM [8] for terms related to the

Such terms are not explained in this document, but where they first appear, references will be indicated.

Symbols whose meaning is not self-evident, will be explained where they are first used. Those that are used in more than one section are collected in Appendix D1.


2       Calibration Bangladesh Weighing Balance Part 4      GENERAL ASPECTS OF THE CALIBRATION

          Elements of the calibration

Calibration consists of


  1. applying test loads to the instrument under specified conditions,
  2. determining the error or variation of the indication, and
  3. estimating the uncertainty of measurement to be attributed to the


                Range of calibration

Unless requested otherwise by the client, a calibration extends over the full weighing range [3] from Zero to the maximum capacity Max . The client may specify a certain part of a weighing range, limited by a minimum load Min¢ and the largest load to be

weighed Max¢, or individual nominal loads, for which he requests calibration.